Permaculture Flower Farming

Permaculture flower farming is a sustainable method of flower cultivation that emphasizes the use of natural systems and resources to create a self-sustaining ecosystem. This method of farming is based on the principles of permaculture, which aims to create a harmonious relationship between people, plants, and the environment.

In permaculture flower farming, the focus is on creating a diverse range of flowering plants that can support each other and coexist in a closed loop system. This is achieved by incorporating practices such as companion planting, natural pest control, and soil regeneration. Of course, the selection of companion plants must be hyper localized, thus we grow different plants at all of our COSMAFOLIA 1ha farms.

One of the key benefits of permaculture flower farming is the reduction of waste and the use of minimal inputs. Instead of using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, permaculture farmers rely on natural methods such as composting and intercropping to provide nutrients to the soil and control pests. This not only reduces the environmental impact of the farming process but also results in healthier and more resilient plants.

Another advantage of permaculture flower farming is the creation of a biodiverse ecosystem that provides habitat for beneficial insects, birds, and other wildlife. This increases the overall health of the land and helps to maintain a healthy balance in the ecosystem. At COSMAFOLIA we have found that it takes a minimum of one year for a more balanced ecosystem to start thriving, however, this does not mean we have not had production in the first year, just with more efforts needed to restore the natural systems.

Permaculture flower farming is a great example of how sustainable agriculture can be used to create beautiful and functional landscapes. Whether you are a small-scale urban farmer or a large commercial grower, the principles of permaculture can be applied to create a thriving and sustainable flower farm. We are happy to advise you with your farming, and how to bridge the change from conventional farming to naturalist farming.

In conclusion, permaculture flower farming is a holistic and sustainable approach to flower cultivation that creates a harmonious relationship between people, plants, and the environment. By using natural systems and reducing waste, permaculture flower farming provides a model for sustainable agriculture that can be applied to a variety of landscapes and scales.

We thank all of our clients for ‘growing’ with us in this journey which has no handbook, but makes us turn to our inner knowing, experience and listening to our plants, environment and elements. We thank you for embracing the change and trusting our movement.

Visit our shop to order your fragrant flowers or hydrosols 🙂